Mujue Mungu:
This melody came in my heart when the prophecy of Judgment coming to Haiti was that
was made by the Prophet Dr Edward Owour was fulfilled. When the foundations
of the earth shook. It made me realize the wrath and power of God. I took my
guitar and this song was born. It meant a lot to me and now it shall be shared
with the world.
This is a powerful song. It came to me at the Prophet Dr Owour's meeting in
Bhukungu stadium, Kakamega, 2012. I got to the stadium with my Mum that evening,
and getting through the gates were difficult with hundreds of people queuing in
lines. We stood for hours just to enter through the gates, but there was a
group of people who entered through the gates very easily. These ones had one
thing in common an identification mark, the worshipper's gowns. Ushers had the sash. Security men had
cards, Pastors and their wives had an identification mark, as well as everyone
who served in the ministry.
understood the message that he preach of the Garment of the hour at that time.
It made me realize the power of the garment of righteousness
to enter through the gates of heaven.Then God put this song in my heart,with a
beautiful melody.
False Prophet: This song is based on Revelation 6 and Matthew 24. About the signs
of the coming Messiah and how these are unfolding everyday in our time.
4.Enzini: Inspired by an
understanding of the throne of God. Jesus is enthroned with cherubim
,seraphim's, angels and 24 elders in all the splendor of heaven. And the servant
of God
sitting on the ark of covenant in heaven. This was a deeper revelation on how God is
enthroned and it inspired me.
Mkimbilie Bwana: Inspired by the massive multitudes of people who
attend revival meetings, they run to God to save their souls from
hell and to be healed. These people run to the fields and gather before
Jehovah, to see this inspires me.
God reigns:
This song is a praise song about the Majesty of God.
He is coming to conquer and establish His kingdom on earth and reign forever.
album is dedicated to the message of
Holiness and Repentance as given to The Prophet Dr Owour by The
find out about the Mighty Prophet of the Lord go to www.repentandpreparetheway.org
Amada hermana Doreen Amlani, desde Lima, capital del Perú, en Sur América, la estuvimos escuchando con mi familia, en la ultima reunión de avivamiento con el Profeta de Dios David Owuor, en el estadio Afraha en Nakuru, hermosas alabanzas que acariciaron y contentaron el corazón de nuestro Dios. Que Dios le siga bendiciendo dándole hermosas inspiraciones. Quisiera comprar las melodías inspiradas por el Espíritu Santo que usted interpreta. Por favor, le enviaría los gastos de envió aéreo junto con el costo de los CD. Muchas gracias por disponer todo su ser para ser usada por nuestro Dios. Muchas bendiciones.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you go
ReplyDeleteHave never heard of you what happened are you there
ReplyDeleteWhere a you
ReplyDeleteOur God is a good God he never leaves his own.
ReplyDeleteGlory to the Lord